众所周知,图形神经网络(GNN)的成功高度依赖于丰富的人类通知数据,这在实践中努力获得,并且并非总是可用的。当只有少数标记的节点可用时,如何开发高效的GNN仍在研究。尽管已证明自我训练对于半监督学习具有强大的功能,但其在图形结构数据上的应用可能会失败,因为(1)不利用较大的接收场来捕获远程节点相互作用,这加剧了传播功能的难度 - 标记节点到未标记节点的标签模式; (2)有限的标记数据使得在不同节点类别中学习良好的分离决策边界而不明确捕获基本的语义结构,这是一项挑战。为了解决捕获信息丰富的结构和语义知识的挑战,我们提出了一个新的图数据增强框架,AGST(增强图自训练),该框架由两个新的(即结构和语义)增强模块构建。 GST骨干。在这项工作中,我们研究了这个新颖的框架是否可以学习具有极有限标记节点的有效图预测模型。在有限标记节点数据的不同情况下,我们对半监督节点分类进行全面评估。实验结果证明了新的数据增强框架对节点分类的独特贡献,几乎没有标记的数据。
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深度强化学习(DRL)在自动游戏测试中引起了很多关注。早期尝试依靠游戏内部信息进行游戏空间探索,因此需要与游戏深入集成,这对于实际应用来说是不便的。在这项工作中,我们建议仅使用屏幕截图/像素作为自动游戏测试的输入,并建立了一般游戏测试代理Inspector,可以轻松地将其应用于不同的游戏,而无需与游戏深入集成。除了覆盖所有游戏测试空间外,我们的代理商还试图采取类似人类的行为与游戏中的关键对象进行交互,因为某些错误通常发生在玩家对象的交互中。检查器基于纯粹的像素输入,包括三个关键模块:游戏空间探索器,关键对象检测器和类似人类的对象研究者。 Game Space Explorer旨在通过使用像素输入的基于好奇心的奖励功能来探索整个游戏空间。关键对象检测器的目的是基于少量标记的屏幕快照在游戏中检测关键对象。类似人类的对象研究者的目标是模仿人类的行为,以通过模仿学习来调查关键对象。我们在两个受欢迎的视频游戏中进行实验:射击游戏和动作RPG游戏。实验结果证明了检查员在探索游戏空间,检测关键对象和调查对象方面的有效性。此外,检查员在这两场比赛中成功发现了两个潜在的错误。检查员的演示视频可从https://github.com/inspector-gametesting/inspector-gametesting获得。
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The past two decades have seen increasingly rapid advances in the field of multi-view representation learning due to it extracting useful information from diverse domains to facilitate the development of multi-view applications. However, the community faces two challenges: i) how to learn robust representations from a large amount of unlabeled data to against noise or incomplete views setting, and ii) how to balance view consistency and complementary for various downstream tasks. To this end, we utilize a deep fusion network to fuse view-specific representations into the view-common representation, extracting high-level semantics for obtaining robust representation. In addition, we employ a clustering task to guide the fusion network to prevent it from leading to trivial solutions. For balancing consistency and complementary, then, we design an asymmetrical contrastive strategy that aligns the view-common representation and each view-specific representation. These modules are incorporated into a unified method known as CLustering-guided cOntrastiVE fusioN (CLOVEN). We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the proposed method on five datasets, demonstrating that CLOVEN outperforms 11 competitive multi-view learning methods in clustering and classification. In the incomplete view scenario, our proposed method resists noise interference better than those of our competitors. Furthermore, the visualization analysis shows that CLOVEN can preserve the intrinsic structure of view-specific representation while also improving the compactness of view-commom representation. Our source code will be available soon at https://github.com/guanzhou-ke/cloven.
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Current approaches to empathetic response generation typically encode the entire dialogue history directly and put the output into a decoder to generate friendly feedback. These methods focus on modelling contextual information but neglect capturing the direct intention of the speaker. We argue that the last utterance in the dialogue empirically conveys the intention of the speaker. Consequently, we propose a novel model named InferEM for empathetic response generation. We separately encode the last utterance and fuse it with the entire dialogue through multi-head attention based intention fusion module to capture the speaker's intention. Besides, we utilize previous utterances to predict the last utterance, which simulates human's psychology to guess what the interlocutor may speak in advance. To balance the optimizing rates of the utterance prediction and response generation, a multi-task learning strategy is designed for InferEM. Experimental results demonstrate the plausibility and validity of InferEM in improving empathetic expression.
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In this paper, we propose Stochastic Knowledge Distillation (SKD) to obtain compact BERT-style language model dubbed SKDBERT. In each iteration, SKD samples a teacher model from a pre-defined teacher ensemble, which consists of multiple teacher models with multi-level capacities, to transfer knowledge into student model in an one-to-one manner. Sampling distribution plays an important role in SKD. We heuristically present three types of sampling distributions to assign appropriate probabilities for multi-level teacher models. SKD has two advantages: 1) it can preserve the diversities of multi-level teacher models via stochastically sampling single teacher model in each iteration, and 2) it can also improve the efficacy of knowledge distillation via multi-level teacher models when large capacity gap exists between the teacher model and the student model. Experimental results on GLUE benchmark show that SKDBERT reduces the size of a BERT$_{\rm BASE}$ model by 40% while retaining 99.5% performances of language understanding and being 100% faster.
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尽管视觉问题答案取得了长足的进步(VQA),但当前的VQA模型严重依赖问题类型及其相应的频繁答案(即语言先验)之间的表面相关性来做出预测,而无需真正理解输入。在这项工作中,我们用相同的问题类型定义了培训实例,但与\ textit {表面上相似的实例}定义了不同的答案,并将语言先验归因于VQA模型在此类情况下的混淆。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的培训框架,该培训框架明确鼓励VQA模型区分表面上相似的实例。具体而言,对于每个培训实例,我们首先构建一个包含其表面上相似的对应物的集合。然后,我们利用所提出的区分模块增加了答案空间中实例及其对应物之间的距离。这样,VQA模型被迫进一步关注问题类型的输入的其他部分,这有助于克服语言先验。实验结果表明,我们的方法在VQA-CP V2上实现了最新性能。代码可在\ href {https://github.com/wyk-nku/distinguishing-vqa.git} {sickithing-vqa}中获得。
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基于卷积的方法在医疗图像分割任务中提供了良好的分割性能。但是,这些方法在处理医学图像的边缘时面临以下挑战:(1)以前的基于卷积的方法不关注分割边缘周围前景和背景之间的边界关系,从而导致分割性能的退化当边缘变化时。 (2)卷积层的电感偏置不能适应复杂的边缘变化和多分段区域的聚合,从而导致其性能改善大部分仅限于分割分段区域而不是边缘的范围。为了应对这些挑战,我们提出了MFI(多尺度特征交互)块和英亩(轴向上下文关系编码器)块上的CM-MLP框架,以精确分割医疗图像的边缘。在MFI块中,我们建议级联多尺度MLP(Cascade MLP)同时从网络的较深层中处理所有局部信息,并利用CASCADE多尺度机制逐渐融合离散的本地信息。然后,英亩块用于使深度监督着眼于探索前景和背景之间的边界关系以修改医疗图像的边缘。我们提议的CM-MLP框架的分割准确性(DICE)达到96.96%,96.76%和82.54%的三个基准数据集:CVC-ClinicDB数据集,Sub-Kvasir Dataset和我们的内部数据集,这些数据集分别超过了。最先进的方法。源代码和训练有素的模型将在https://github.com/programmerhyy/cm-mlp上找到。
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